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Designing Luxury Brands - The Science of Pleasing Customers' Senses
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Designing Luxury Brands - The Science of Pleasing Customers' Senses
von: Diana Derval
Springer-Verlag, 2018
ISBN: 9783319715575
170 Seiten, Download: 6188 KB
Format:  PDF
geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's PC, MAC, Laptop

Typ: A (einfacher Zugriff)


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This book shows how to build successful luxury brands using the power of sensory science and neuro-physiology. The author introduces - based on inspiring business cases like Tesla, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermès, Moncler, Louboutin, or Sofitel in industries such as Fashion, Automotive or Leisure - groundbreaking scientific methods - like the Derval Color Test® taken by over 10 million people -  to predict luxury shoppers' preferences and purchasing patterns and illustrates common and unique features of successful luxury brands. Through various practical examples and experiments, readers will be able to build, revamp, or expand luxury brands and look at luxury from a new angle.    

Prof. Diana Derval is the Chair of the global research firm DervalResearch and owner of the luxury fashion brand Derval Paris. Award-winning inventor, and author, Diana turns fascinating neuroscientific breakthroughs into powerful business frameworks to understand and predict human behavior. She has accelerated the development of Fortune 500 firms including BMW and Louis Vuitton. Harvard Business Review contributor regularly featured in the media, Diana Derval teaches Luxury and Innovation from Paris to Shanghai.

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